• phone icon+7 (812) 4985240; +7 (812) 2321107

    Business terms and conditions


    Law Office provides legal services to clients in three ways:


    A) On the basis of a Contract for one-time legal service:

    Provision of legal support on request is performed under one-time service agreement with the task specified in its subject-matter (representation in judicial proceedings, drafting of a contract or otherwise). The cost of services provided by lawyers is determined on the basis of Law Office Fees (hereinafter – the “Fees”).

    B) On the basis of a Contract for ongoing legal assistance with no subscription fee:

    The service is provided under a fixed-term contract (usually concluded for one year). This type of contract makes the Client eligible for legal assistance paying compensations that the lawyer is due either before or at the time of service provision. In exceptional cases and by agreement of lawyer the compensation may be paid upon completion of required service based on established Fees. Legal assistance is provided only upon a written request of the Client.

    B) On the basis of a Contract for ongoing legal assistance with subscription fee:

    On the basis of information received from the Customer of the expected monthly volume of services and their complexity Law Office offers a fixed monthly subscription fee as part of a package of services in the amount and to the extent stipulated by Fees.
    The Client who chooses Contract for ongoing legal assistance with subscription fee as a model of cooperation with the Law office, will have the following advantages: (will gain in the following way):
    Subscription fee charged by the Law office includes: oral legal consulting (both by phone and in the Clients office); participation in business negotiations held by the Client, advice on and draft commercial contracts and other documents presented by Client; representing the Client before official bodies (except court and registries) in dealing with business-related issues; participation in Clients administrative bodies; participation in settling internal labor-related disputes; on providing the Clients with information on amendments to the RF legislation in force, on provided by customers about the changes of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, adoption of new regulatory enactments as well as other information relating to effective regulations operating in Clients segment.